måndag 20 juni 2016

Making slime!

We all know xenomorph slime alot. Here is a setup with a plastic sheet in front of a black backdrop and a tube of aloe Vera gel.

It worked pretty good, it is not super obvious in the final film, but it's a small detail. Everything is in the details!


torsdag 16 juni 2016

Playing dead

Martin Svensson did a good job playing dead. We used standard theater blood, it is very thick and became an headache to clean up from the basement floor.

tisdag 7 juni 2016

Bad greenscreen

The window in the kitchen needed to be blocked from daylight, because we didn't want to shoot the kitchen scenes in the night.

I tried greenscreen paper inbetween the glass, but I realized it would make alot more sense just using black paper instead, cutting down some of the postproduction time.

There was also alot of spill in the entire room. But yeah, that greenscreen is so perfectly lit it would probably be a dream to key out.

fredag 3 juni 2016

Little DIY flashbox

There is no scary movie without flashing, broken flickering lights, right?

With a 3 Watt Powerled, battery pack and a trinket arduino controller, I could get those long halls and dark corners flash and light up randomized.

Just love the tape, reminds me of building a noise maker in Alien Isolation game.


torsdag 2 juni 2016

Intro to "Infestation"

I realized I got way too little posts about moviemaking on this blog, it's been all about DJ and music.

So here is a little behind the scenes from December 2014 when I shot the first scene on my short Infestation, which is now online.

They had a meeting just behind the door to the right. A lady unknowingly stepping right out in the scene, with scary moonlight and flashing lights. She was cool though, once I explained what I was doing.