tisdag 15 april 2014

G. A. S

Gear acquisition syndrome. That is what the topic stand for and it is a trap most creative people usually fall into. The idea of a new shiny toy will fix all of your creative problems.
Sometime it does, but mostly it is just wishful thinking and procrastination, to obscure the real issue.
Lately I have been really trying to think twice before making a purchase. Will this new piece of gear really do any good in my actual work flow or do I just like the idea of it?

måndag 14 april 2014

Coffe and Ableton

Here is my new workplace. I think I will part with my launchpad soon because my ipad running Touchable 2 really renders it useless. I tried Lemur and TouchOSC but this app really gets you going in no time, after a small learning curve. 

I'm trying out a new workflow where I am using maschine standalone and feeding its audio thru my Xone DB4, back to Ableton, all via USB. It seems like a maschine and ableton symbios would be a killercombo, I just haven't found the best workflow yet.

lördag 12 april 2014

Out with old ..

This weekend I have been cleaning out all the stuff that was wasting space on my workdesk. Behind my homemade computer monitor shelf was an assortment of cables and poweradapters that been slowly been left behind, added layer upon layer, over the years.

I was frustrated that I had a desk I couldn't really use since my two editing monitors were taking up so much space. So I got myself an 27" monitor and an USB switch which allows my to use the screen as a second monitor for my laptops and primary screen for my video editing computer.

Another project I have been busy with is my DIY accessory arms, in this case two Manfrotto Magic Arms. One is holding my computer with a homebuilt laptopshelf that fits directly onto the arm, and the same goes with the ipad. They both attach at the back of the hardcase ball corners with a big, massive grip holder called C-clamp or superclamp.